“Whatever lifts the corners of your mouth, trust that.” — Rumi

“Whatever lifts the corners of your mouth, trust that.”



Hi Allan, 

Thank you so much for your compassion, encouragement, and spiritual wisdom.  Our session on Monday was densely profound and I am still digesting it.  Most touching was your praying for me, at the end.  

 I did feel a powerful energetic release, a feeling of lifting release and light, in real time, during your prayer to heal generational trauma.  I am grateful to have this session in video, so I can reflect upon, over time.  

 You are a powerful healer, Allan.  I feel so blessed to have had this time with you.

— Suanne in TX 🙏💞


I definitely feel like my life has changed since our session. Lighter and more connected to the earth and just been a lot happier person.  

— Bret in New Jersey


Hi Allan!
Oh My Gosh!
I had the best time talking with you today, thank you so much for what you offer!

Will you be sending me a link to the recording?
Not sure how that works.
I know you told me, but I was so darned excited.

Until next time,

— Phyllis in TX (the most Sag woman on the planet)


“Thanks so much for the tremendously insightful reading this week. I was suspended in calm energy all day! It was a great exchange. I felt so grounded and on point with purpose. I picked Halloween for the next reading in hopes the thinning of the veil (if it's accurate that is what happens on this day) helps tap into the spirit world for truth/direction. BTW, I discovered you on "Channeling Erik". Thought it was another channel. I have been watching your channel since our reading. Really fabulous stuff. I am so enjoying the topic and insights. They resonate.”

—Mary in DC


Hi Allan,

I just wanted to thank you for your time today, I am greatly appreciative to you. I am making a priority getting my house (mind, body, spirit and finances) in order. You opened my eyes to so much and confirmed what I have been feeling but didn’t understand. I understand a little more but feel there is so much to uncover. Sometimes it helps to have someone show you the big picture when you are lost in a small piece. You were that someone today. I am so glad I saw that YouTube video and searched like a crazy person to find your website. I just wanted to express my gratitude and hope to talk with you in the future about more positive experiences. Enjoy your time in England, the European countries are wonderful. My favorite is France.

Thanks so much and be well,

—Tami in Southern Cali